Plumbers Eastern Suburbs nsw
If you need a plumber nearby in the Eastern Suburbs, we have identified several who may be a match for what you are looking for. Whether that be a blocked drain, pipe repairs, blocked toilet, 24/7 emergency service or a new plumbing install for a bathroom or kitchen. Give a few Eastern Suburbs plumbers a call today to discuss your situation, get some quotes and compare.
Local plumbers near me
If you are looking for companies that do quick plumbing near me, below are several located in and servicing the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. It makes sense to look for local plumbers in my area and close by for a variety of reasons.
They have knowledge of the Eastern Suburbs architecture and building construction, especially in older properties which the Eastern Suburbs has many. Terrace houses in Surry Hills and Darlinghurst can be over one hundred years old, as can apartment blocks in Potts Point. These local area properties have had old plumbing mixed with new plumbing and had hot water pipes retrofitted. Whilst houses these days are designed and built with toilets and laundries inside the home, many terrace houses were not and had outhouses such as in Redfern. With a local plumber, they know how to repair or reinstall plumbing in these properties. Whilst other plumbers not located near by in the local area may be able to do the job, you may be paying for them to figure it out.
Local plumber
Nature of a local area can play a part in any plumbing. Any water pipes that have to run into a property or remove waste water from the property back to the mains run underground in the soil. A neighbourhood plumber with local knowledge will have experience with causes of broken pipes and what they are up against to fix it. This could be identified the types of trees such as gumtrees or vegetation that can penetrate pipes or the soil make up that can erode and cause collapsed pipes. More so, they'll have the experience to fix and ensure it doesn't happen again.
Eastern suburbs plumbers
A central plumbing location in your neighbourhood can also mean a quick plumbing solution as they can be onsite fast, especially in an emergency situation. It could also help them give you a same day service as they can drop in on the way home to take a look at your job.
0407 363 924
100 Harris Street Pyrmont NSW 2009
Operating Hours
24 Hours
7 days Week
0424 203 479 (Steve)
Operating Hours
24 Hours
7 days Week
License No.
0407 544 480
108 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000
Operating Hours
24 Hours
7 days Week
Bondi Plumber
Bondi has a diverse range of properties and a lot of premises which means a number of Bondi plumbers are both located and service the Bondi area. When we here Bond, we immediately think Bondi Beach, but it covers a reasonable size area including north Bondi, very much a residential area and Bondi Junction which is the commercial area but also with homes, unit blocks and highrise apartment towers.
Phone 02 9417 0320
Address 9-13 Bronte Rd, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Hours 24 hours a day 7 days a week
Rose Bay Plumber
A plumber in Rose Bay, is the aptly named Rose Bay Plumbing. Greg McElroy is the owner and former president of the Master Plumbers Association.
Randwick Plumber
Randwick has many traditional and older homes which means some old pipes and plumbing. There are also many low rise apartment blocks, two, three or four stories high both old and new as more development happens in the suburbs.
Plumbers in Randwick due this mix of properties have a wide ranging experience in plumbing.
With two shopping malls, a busy high street and a number of pubs and bars, Randwick has a lot of commercial properties to be serviced by Randwick plumbers.
Phone 1300 180 938
Address 103 Avoca Street, Randwick, NSW
Kensington Plumber
Kensington has had a lot of construction in the last few years with a lot of unit developments and the light rail.
Kensington is a mix of houses, units/apartments and commercial buildings.
02 9388 7292 | 0420 102 394
PO Box 734, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Plumber Potts Point
A Potts Point plumber will have to deal with a variety of properties due to the mix of apartments and houses, both old and new throughout the suburb also referred to as Kings Cross. As well as Potts Point having some of the highest density living in the country, it also has a lot of commercial properties including retailers, hotels, hostels restaurants and bars.
The photo's opposite show a blocked drain in Potts Point. The blocked pipe was cleared by a plumber and repaired for normal operations.
Cheap plumber near me
Cheap plumber Eastern Suburbs is an understandable need for many locals. Whether you are looking for affordable, cheap or budget plumbing contractors, there is always an option to try and get a price or cost that is less.
Plumbing prices can vary dramatically depending on the job you are getting done, how urgent it is, where you are located, access and parking to your property. It then can vary dramatically between plumbers when the quotes come in for an unknown reason, so it's certainly worth getting a number of quotes.
To achieve more affordable plumbing, one tip is to consider buying your own fixtures and fitting if the job permits. Tis could include a vanity, toilet, tapware etc which you may be able to shop around, get it a bit cheaper and help save yourself some money.
How to find a cheap Eastern Suburbs plumber?
Ring around a few plumbers
Get quotes from numerous plumbers so you can work out which ones are competitive
Get a clear scope of works from each so you are comparing apples with apples
Ask for the plumbers cost per hour
Be flexible for when the work can be done. Getting a same day or emergency plumber is not going to help you find a cheap plumber near me
Try a local plumber in the Eastern Suburbs as they won't need to charge for travel where others might
Try a smaller or one man owner operator plumbing contractor as they may not have the overheads and plumbers costs that a big business has with an office
Look for a plumber using fixed pricing for tasks rather than different prices for different jobs.
Get a fixed upfront guaranteed price so you won't get any surprises
Ask for a discount
Why look for a cheap plumber near me
There could be many reasons you are looking to find a cheap plumber, some of these could include:
Why pay more than you have to
It is for a rental property and you just need it operational
You don't want to feel ripped off
You have limited income but working plumbing is a need for us all and you want an affordable plumber
You have recently lost your job or lost hours during the COVID-19 Pandemic recession
It is a patch job in a bathroom or kitchen for example before you do a renovation.
You're a minimalist
As with any business, you want to maintain profit and every cent you spent is potential profit.
Best plumbers near me in the eastern suburbs
To find the best plumber in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney for you, there is a number of things you can look for to help you decide.
Reliable plumbing
Did they turn up on time, send you an email when they said they would or reply to texts.
In any phone calls have they been helpful, comfortable and knowledgeable to all your questions. Is their website, advertisements, fliers, vehicles, uniforms etc look professional. A pride in quality of these items may need be an indication of pride in work.
Premium plumbing
A plumbers truck can come fully stocked with all the modern day technologies and tools to get the job done on the spot or a plumber may be less equipped. However, there are some specialists, such as blocked drain plumbers who have water jetters and pipe relining equipment that all round plumber is unlikely to have. If these services are required, they are likely to call in the specialist to carry out the works for this part of the job. A premier plumber will be up to date with their knowledge and equipped with the latest tools.
On board the truck should also be a licensed, qualified and experienced plumber. Ideally a local plumber with local experience with the type of properties, soil, trees, and drainage systems. All of which can impact why any pipe problems have occurred and more so, the knowledge to fix it, rather than having to figure it out.
Superior plumbing
These days there are much more advanced uses of new plumbing technology such as CCTV and thermal imaging to find the cause of blocked pipes, high-pressure jets to clear blockages and pipe relining methods that offer a no dig solution rather than digging up and replacing all the pipes to offer complete plumbing solutions.
This technology can help find and diagnose your pipe problems quicker than ever before. They can also provide a fast way to get your water or sewerage services restored so you aren’t without them any longer than you need to be. Furthermore, processes like pipe relining can offer a permanent fix for something like gumtree roots in a pipe rather than the problem reoccurring in future. Better still, new plumbing technologies can help give you a more cost efficient or cheap plumber solution.
Emergency plumber near me
A burst pipe, backed up toilet or gas leak are all emergency plumbing and gas situations that you need someone fast. We can’t generally plan for emergencies, so murphy's law, it'll happen when we need it least. Whatever time of the day or night, we need plumbers near me open now and fast, as in right now, to come and fix the problem or at least stop it getting worse. This is purely understandable, as not only is a burst pipe an issue, but to be clear, water can be very destructive and damage, carpets, walls, cupboards, light fittings, erode gardens and more. In the case of apartments, it can also then penetrate your neighbours apartment and start damaging their property in the same way. It could also happen when you're entertaining guests or having a party and a blocked toilet is certainly an emergency.
In an emergency plumbing situation, time is of the essence. There isn't time to do some research, ask friends or family for their recommended for the best plumber, shop around or compare plumbers.
Go local, a local emergency plumber is likely to be nearby and in close proximity to you. This should mean they are able to be on site at your home or business and fix your problem than a service who does not reside in the Eastern Suburbs. It could be also be cheaper as they may not need to charge for or for as long the time to get your Eastern suburbs residence.
0488 801 502
24 hours a day
7 days a week
License No. 348877C
1800 188 283
24 hours a day
7 days a week
License No. 307803C
1800 172 785
24 hours a day
7 days a week
License No. 307803C
1800 179 340
24 hours a day
7 days a week
License No. 317117C
24 hour plumber open now
24 7 plumbing is about a plumber being available when you need them most. Several plumbers provide a 24 hour a day and 7 day a week service, every day of the year. They know the unexpected emergencies can occur around the clock. Murphy's law, means not every emergency in our lives like a severe water leak happens between the hours of 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday. They can happen 24 hours of the day and may be more likely to happen when you are home and using amenities, such as the toilet for example. This could be after hours in the evening or on weekends.
A 24 hour emergency plumbing service open now is likely only going to patch the problem, they are unlikely to do a complete fix in the middle of the night, so there will be further works and cost for them to come back and do complete and final repairs.
We have identified some below that offer an emergency service to help you as the last thing you need to be doing is spending hours trying to find a plumber in an emergency.
Emergency plumber costs
An emergency plumbing service does cost more than normal, so be prepared to be paying more if you need one. A cheap emergency plumber is a unicorn, but more affordable ones are what you are aiming for. Best case scenario, you probably want to avoid calling one. The first thing is to do is to remain calm and evaluate the situation. Ask yourself is this really an emergency? Can I deal with it tonight by turning off the water or gas at the mains or turning the water off to the hot water heater? Can I wait until tomorrow or Monday morning to call the plumber? If so, the one who comes during the day is a much cheaper plumber than the emergency plumber who comes in the middle of the night.
The best advice we can provide to avoid the need for an emergency plumber is as soon as you notice anything that is not normal, call a plumber. Whether it’s a small leak or foul odour, call a plumber. These small problems can turn into emergencies.
After hours plumbing
An after hours plumber offers their services outside the typical hours of 7am to 3pm Monday to Friday and possible Saturday morning that you may expect to be able to arrange a plumber to come to your home or business. The after hours service means you can get a plumber that's open now to your house when you need one. With murphy's law, this is not necessarily when it's convenient. A burst pipe or gas leak isn’t really concerned whether it is after hours when it decides to create an emergency.
Same day plumber
Whether it’s an emergency, you have time pressures, you need a new hot water system or it is simply your preference for a same day plumber to come to you home or business, some can do this. They can possibly prioritise jobs or at least come and inspect the job on the same day as you call. The best thing to do is to call them as soon as you know you need a plumber or early in the day as possible and they will advise if they can come today or their next availability. At a minimum, they should be able to assist you over the phone. Pictures can tell a thousand words, so it can be a good idea to take some photos or a video and text or email it to the plumber.
Blocked Pipes
Below shows an example of a blocked pipe in the Eastern Surburb of Potts Point. The sewerage pipe had blocked and forced toilet paper and waster to overflow and run in to the street. It is likely to have been a problem that had occurred some time earlier and build up over time. The sheer volume of toilet paper indicates the blockage started some time ago.
02 9188 9383
If you have a have a blocked drain, toilet or pipes or need pipes relined, call for a quote.
$199 to unblock your drain
Plumbing Suppliers in the Eastern Suburbs
Reece Plumbing Centre Waverley
02 8044 8310
98 Carrington Road
Waverley NSW 2024
Operating Hours
Monday: 07:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 17:00
Friday: 07:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: CLOSED
Reece Plumbing Centre Alexandria
02 8337 3910
66 ORiordan Street
Alexandria NSW 2015
Operating Hours
Monday: 06:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 17:00
Friday: 06:30 - 17:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: CLOSED
Reece Bathroom Life Waverley
02 8044 8340
231 Bronte Road
Waverley NSW 2024
Operating Hours
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: CLOSED
Extensive range in a large showroom
Reece Bathroom Life Waterloo
02 9494 5010
Shop 1-2
863 Bourke Street
Waterloo NSW 2017
Operating Hours
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: CLOSED
A large showroom with and extensive range on display
Bunnings Randwick
02 8345 9900
Corner of Clovelly Road & Kemmis Street
Randwick NSW 2031
Operating hours
Monday: 06:30 – 19:00
Tuesday: 06:30 – 19:00
Wednesday: 06:30 – 19:00
Thursday: 06:30 – 21:00
Friday: 06:30 – 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 07:00 – 19:00
Bunnings Rose Bay
02 9388 5600
538-544 Old South Head Rd
Rose Bay NSW 2029
Operating hours
Monday: 07:00 – 19:00
Tuesday: 07:00 – 19:00
Wednesday: 07:00 – 19:00
Thursday: 07:00 – 21:00
Friday: 07:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 17:00
Bunnings Alexandria
02 9336 2400
8/40 Euston Road
Alexandria NSW 2015
Operating hours
Monday: 06:00 – 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 – 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 – 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 – 21:00
Friday: 06:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 07:00 – 19:00
Bunnings Eastgardens
02 9307 2100
140-148 Denison Street
Hillsdale NSW 2036
Operating hours
Monday: 06:00 – 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 – 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 – 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 – 21:00
Friday: 06:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 07:00 – 19:00
Tradelink Alexandria
02 9305 9050
69A Bourke Road
Alexandria NSW 2015
Showroom operating hours
Monday: 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:30
Friday: 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: CLOSED
Trade centre operating hours
Monday: 06:30 - 16:30
Tuesday: 06:30 - 16:30
Wednesday: 06:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 06:30 - 16:30
Friday: 06:30 - 16:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 11:30
Sunday: CLOSED
Showroom and trade centre
Tradelink Randwick
02 9751 5640
23 Clovelly Road
Randwick NSW 2031
Operating Hours
Monday: 06:30 - 16:30
Tuesday: 06:30 - 16:30
Wednesday: 06:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 06:30 - 16:30
Friday: 06:30 - 16:30
Saturday: 07:30 - 11:30
Sunday: CLOSED
Types of plumbers in the Eastern Suburbs
Plumbing and gas is a broad term used for all water and gas management in basically any type of property. This is water into a property, around a property and wastewater back out of the property. Wastewater could be sewerage, grey water or storm water. Within this broad term there are different types of properties, systems and aspects to the trade that a plumber may specialise in or do a number of but unlikely to do all. The first general distinction is between a commercial plumber and a residential plumber. A residential or domestic plumber will work on homes, units and strata properties whereas a commercial plumber will work on shops, restaurants and buildings. Below we look at the different types of plumbers by industries or services they provide.
Residential domestic plumber
A residential plumber, also referred to as a domestic plumber or house plumber, looks after repairs, maintenance and renovation of all things water in your house or unit. When we think of plumbing, this is the most common type of plumber we’ll think of. From a blocked toilet, leaking taps, replacing down pipes to full bathroom or kitchen renovations.
Commercial plumbing
Commercial plumbing is the provision of plumbing services for business premises. This can be restaurants, pubs, shops, hotels, offices or any commercial enterprise. It often includes maintenance as well as repair as it is important for a business to be in full operation at all times. A restaurant certainly doesn't want to have to shut until the plumber comes in a weeks time.
Strata plumber
Some plumber specialise in strata properties which can be units, apartments townhouse or some commercial properties. They work with strata managers to repair and maintain both the common areas under the strata scheme and also the individual lots if the repairs or work comes under the strata’s responsibility. This could be a clear water leak from a pipe in the wall which is considered common property that then penetrates the apartment.
Often jobs in a strata property over a certain amount of money ($1000 - $3000) require three separate quotes to be provided for the strata committee to compare and approve one. For this reason, a strata plumber ill be on of possible three or four on the books of a strata company.
Real estate agent plumber
Real estate plumbers focus on providing their services to the tenants of properties managed by real estate agents. These properties could be homes or units and could be rental properties or a property that is soon to be sold or recently sold. A property owner pays a fee to the real estate agent to manage their property, so they don’t have to worry about finding a plumber and project managing any repairs. A real estate agent will usually have a few plumbers on their books that they have worked with in the past and trust. They will immediately go to them, so they don’t have to spend time shopping around or risking the quality of the job. They also may use this panel of real estate plumbers to provide a two to three quotes for the owner to compare depending on the size of the job.
Blocked drain plumber
A blocked drain can require specialised equipment, so it is not a task carried out by a general plumber. Depending on the blockage, they may call in a specialist to unblock the drain. There can be a cost to be fully equipped with the equipment to deal with all types of blocked pipes. Firstly there is CCTV camera device which helps identify the location and cause of the blockage. Secondly there is a water jetter which is used to unblock the pipe and clear any debris. Due to the size of such equipment and cost, it may not be feasible for a general plumber to fit such equipment to their vehicles so there tends to be plumber specialising in blocked drains.
Pipe relining
Pipe relining plumbers provide a permanent absolute plumbing solution to cracked and broken pipes by inserting a large resin sock insert the pipe. This essentially creates a new pipe inside the old pipe. The machine is quite large and a significant investment, so tends to be a specialised company or service provided by a qualified plumber. This process provides a no dig pipe repair solution and can be cheaper than replacing pipes.
A pipe relining company is often also blocked drain plumber first as the pipe repair comes after blocked drains are cleared.
Licensed plumber
A licensed plumber is a plumber who has completed practical and theoretical studies and received a qualification in plumbing as a tradesman. This allows them to work for a plumbing company. A further qualification known as a master of plumbing is required by the business owner to be able to operate as a business and perform plumbing jobs.
You may here the term licensed when doing your research for a plumber. Basically, all plumbing work should be conducted by a licensed plumber and it is something worth checking before you proceed with any job. On top of being licensed, they should also be insured. Being both licensed and insured will give you some peace of mind that the job will be completed to standards outlined in the building code and if anything goes wrong during the work or damage occurs after, that you will have some cover in place for it t o be repaired at no cost to you.
Water tank plumber
With water being such as scarce resource in Australia, severe droughts, water restrictions even in Sydney coastal areas like the Eastern Suburbs, council legislation and with us all becoming more water conscious, where possible, water tanks have become increasingly popular. Not quite as popular as the good old days when town water didn’t exist and everyone had a water tank, simply because you had to. But still more prevalent to both capture rainwater or grey water that can be reused on gardens and lawns. Especially with the plumbing of a house with grey water, it gas introduced us to a category of plumber who focuses on water tanks.
Construction plumbing
A construction plumber does installation and connect plumbing work on new builds, which is the construction of a new home or building. They are often the first ones on site and run pipes from the mains connection point at the edge of the property and all the water pipes and sewer lines before the foundations are laid. Then they disappear and let the homes builders take over. This type of plumbing requires complete knowledge of industry codes.
Industrial plumber
An industrial plumber services the industry sector including manufacturing m factories and plants. Similarly to commercial properties, a factory cannot have downtime of any aspects of their plant or equipment due to plumbing faults. Or any water leaks that could damage any products or equipment that is stored in the factory. For this reason a regular maintenance regime is paramount in industrial plumbing. An industrial plumber will have the knowledge of any industry regulations.
Hot water plumber
There are some plumbers who specialise in hot water systems. They work on both electric and gas hot water tanks. They'll do all installation, repairs and provide a 24 hour emergency hot water service.

Plumbing services near me
Plumbers provide all sorts of services in a variety of premises.
Blocked drain plumber
Floor wastes
Kitchen sink drains
Laundry sink drains
Drain cleaning
Drain clearing
Storm water
CCTV drain inspections
Power plumbing pipe clearing
Water jetting
Snaking a drain
Clearing roots such as gumtree roots
Pipe relining
Drain relining
No dig piper relining
Broken pipes
Sewer pipes
Storm water pipes
Brawoliner, the king plumbing brand when it comes to pipe relining.
Renovation plumbing
Outdoor kitchens
Electric hot water systems
Gas hot water systems
Gas BBQ's
Gas heaters
Washing machines
Water filters
Toilet plumbing
Blocked or clogged
Backed up
Tap mixer installation
Bath taps
Bathroom basin taps
Showers taps
Kitchen sinks
Shower heads
Laundry sinks
Garden taps
Leaking taps
Dripping taps
Tap repair
Tap installation
Tap replacement
Plumbing pipes
Burst pipes
Pipe repairs
Connect plumbing
Sewerage pipes
Leaking pipes
Leaking pipe detection
Pipe freezing
Pipe replacement
24/7 emergency burst pipe service
P traps
Clear water lines
Poly pipes
Blocked pipes
Pipes can be blocked for all sorts of reasons, from a clogged toilet from foreign objects being flushed to the roots of gumtree penetrating a pipe. These pipes can be:
Sewerage pipes
Storm water pipes
Sink drains
Hot water heater plumbing
When your hot water goes cold, you'll be looking for hot water repair near me in a hurry, especially if it's in winter. Hot water heater plumbers can also provide all sorts of services such as:
Hot water system replacement
Electric hot water systems
Gas hot water systems
Solar hot water systems
Hot water installation
Hot water heater replacement cost
Hot water heater repairs
Water heater replacement
Gas fitting
Gas installations
Gas repair
Gas leak detection
Test gas appliances
Test gas pipelines
Gas plumber
Water leak detection
Leak detection
Leak repairs
Emergency leak service
Leaking shower repair
Backflow plumbing
Backflow Testing
Backflow prevention
Backflow device testing services
Thermostatic mixing valve
TMV testing
Roof repairs
Water leaks
Water penetration
Leak detection
Gutter & downpipe repairs
Leaking gutters
Overflowing gutters
Blocked gutters
Gutter cleaning
Leak detection
Gutter repairs
Gutter installation
Gutter replacement
Blocked downpipes
Downpipe installation
Downpipe repair
Downpipe replacement
Who supplies water to the Eastern Suburbs?
Sydney Water is the water supply provider for Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. If you need to report a leak or fault, you can do so below.
Eastern Suburbs Plumber FAQs
Why is plumbing so expensive?
Plumbing is a qualified and expert profession which has a number of impacts on pricing. Firstly there are costs to licensing and insurance that need to be covered. Secondly, as jobs are completed at your residence, there are costs of transport, parking and time to get to and from you that needs to be passed on. Thirdly, supply of plumbers and demand for plumbers ultimately sets the price.
How much does it cost for a plumber to unclog a drain?
Prices vary between plumbers and areas. As a guide, DrainWorks can unblock a drain, toilet or pipe for $199.
Is plumbing a dirty job?
Plumbing is a trade and is classified as a traditional blue collar job which can be a dirty job depending on which function the plumber is completing. Tasks in a plumbers role may require digging holes, being under houses in the dirt, working in areas under construction, blocked sewerage pipes, dealing with waste water and other activities which could be lead to a plumber being dirty and sweaty at the end of a days work.
How much will a plumber cost me?
The cost of a plumber will vary per job depending on what you want done and what the plumber charges per hour. To get a price, arrange for at least one plumber to come to your home and provide you with a fixed price with everything included and scope of works upfront before you agree for any work to be started.